元素 Financial is committed to giving a portion of our annual net income back to nonprofit organizations aligning with our three Pillars of Giving: 首页lessness & Housing, Youth Development and Healthy Lifestyles. The 元素 Cares Committee, made up of five employees from various departments of the credit union, annually review grant submissions through a partnership with the Central Indiana 社区 Foundation.
In 2020, the committee presented donations to the following organizations in our community:
$15,000 Grant | Outreach, Inc.
This donation to Outreach, which serves homeless youth in the 印第安纳波利斯 region, will support efforts to expand their services geographically beyond the Eastside where their main center is located. They now have a southside location, and they’re planning for others around the city where the greatest needs exist.
$10,000 Grant | NeighborLink
NeighborLink, which is committed to helping senior citizens in Marion County stay in their own homes, uses contractors and corporate volunteers to complete home repair projects. The donation will support their Citations Program which is focused on correcting problems that led to city citations filed against senior citizens due to issues with their houses/yards.
$5,000 Grant | DREAM Alive
This organization serves middle school and high school students and their families through referrals from their schools. The donation to DREAM Alive will support their Summer Scholars program that prepares these at-risk students for college.
$2,500 Grant | Riley Children’s Foundation
Riley Children’s Foundation serves Riley Children’s Hospital patients and their families. The donation will support their new employee food bank, recently opened due to food insecurity among some staff members due to financial struggles or family members being laid off due to COVID.
$2,500 Grant | TeenWorks
The donation presented to TeenWorks, an organization committed to providing students with work-based education, will support their summer teen employment program. During this program, youth are sent to work at nonprofit organizations in the local community.